KORRONTZI: Etxepare Award for the Musical Career!
May 20, 2021

In the 5th edition of the MUSIKA BULEGOA SARIAK awards, organized by the association Euskal Herriko Musika Bulego Elkartea (EHMBE), KORRONTZI has been awarded with the “Prize for Musical Career”; Prize awarded by the Etxepare Institute of the Basque Government.
The award given to KORRONTZI recognizes all the work that the group has carried out throughout its 17 years of existence. During this period, KORRONTZI has published 10 discographic works, has been recognized with different awards worldwide, such as the one received in 2008 as Best European Band, has offered performances at the most important international festivals of “world music”, traveled to countless countries such as Brazil, Malaysia, Canada, Reunion Island, Slovenia, Morocco, Greece, the Czech Republic, and a long etcetera, where it has been a showcase for the Basque Country, showing its music, dance and culture.
They have been intense years in which there have been no shortages of difficulties or joys. For all this, KORRONTZI wants to thank all the people who have worked with the group during all these years: promoters, managers, organizers, collaborators, sponsors, record labels, technicians, musicians… And especially the Institute Etxepare for their support of the band, since the award given is a stimulus to continue working in favor of culture.